
What is Accreditation and Why is it So Important?

What is Accreditation ? Accreditation is a status which shows the school has met and is maintaining a high level of standards set by an accrediting agency. The Main goal of the accreditation system is to ensure that education provided by schools meets acceptable levels of the quality.  Accreditation system was developed to maintain a level playing field of quality education in schools, so that students can switch schools as comfortably as possible. This system is very important because to ensure the quality of education, If there were no criteria to judge the validity of a school's educational program, students would have no way to determine which schools were trustworthy.  Who does the Accreditation?  It's a very important question. Accrediting agencies issue accreditations. These agencies are organizations made by educational professionals for- Establish the operating standards for educational institutions To determine if the school meets those standards. Publicly post ...

How You Can Start Your Own School

If you’re here, you must have an interest in starting a private school. Unfortunately, many people in your shoes never get to take that first step. Fear of the unknown and potential challenges ahead make them give up before they even begin. This article simplifies the entire process on How to start a school in a no-fluff way so you can see the key steps to starting a school and what to expect at every stage. Planning Phase Decide on your niche Who do you want to teach? How? These are questions you must answer before you can proceed further. Other questions that can help you decide what direction your school will move include: What types of students will you teach? What grade levels will you target? How many students can you handle? What is your unique selling factor? Create a business plan When you have answered the key questions about your school type and students it’s time to begin planning. The best way to do this is by writing everything down in a business plan. Create a 5-year bu...